Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday Five

Our sister blogger posts:
Making the most of our resources is important, I have been challenged this week by the amount of stuff we accumulate, I'd love to live a simpler lifestyle, it would be good for me, and for the environment I think...
With that in mind I bring you this Friday 5;
1. Are you a hoarder or a minimalist?
I have the potential to be a hoarder, but with the heritage of a minimalist (my mother) and a 500sq' ft. apt. I share with my beloved-the hoarder, we have to be vigilant or otherwise we are living in piles of newspapers, photographs, old mail, etc. (The beloved is the one who saves the newspapers. I drag in furniture from the street, a popular sport in NYC.)
2. Name one important object ( could be an heirloom) that you will never part with.
My mothers cookware and a Stickley rocking chair I bought at a yardsale for $25. in 1980.
3. What is the oldest item in your closet? Does it still fit???
I donate things that don't fit to Housing Works an organization that helps people with Aids to get housing, employment, etc. What great thrift stores THEY have. More stuff comes in than goes in opposite direction. I'm sitting in a Stress Less Chair with foot rest that I got for $135. (I'm sensing a theme here.)
4.Yard sales- love 'em or hate 'em ?
I love em, but not so many in NYC.
5. Name a recycling habit you really want to get into.
Recyclying is regimented in NYC. The bins are in the compactor room. All different colors. I'd like to go to the library instead of buying so many books. I do donate the books to-where else-Housing Works.
And for a bonus- well anything you want to add....
Finally I have some time, but I don't want it. I have hepatitis. But how did I get it. I was feeling kind of punk. I though I had a uti, so I called my gp for a script. My beloved insisted I go to her doc when I wasn't getting any better. Voila-something is wrong with you liver! It seems to be-at this point-Hep A-you know-the kind you can get from a SALAD BAR! Who knew...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Rabbi Steve Greenberg: Reading Sex on Yom Kippur
You shall not lie with a man as you shall lie with a woman
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

After my lovely weekend in Florida, I went to work on Monday and around 2:00 I started to feel sick. I had felt tired all day, but my stomach was getting kind of queasy and I had that can't wait till it's 4:00pm feeling-not that I don't have that other days. 4 rolled around and I got on the subway and slowly made my way to Manhattan. The BL had telecommuted that day-that's the life-and was there to greet me home. I said I wasn't feeling well and was going to take a nap. I went to bed. Monday was beautiful in NYC, but I kept getting colder and colder, adding extra clothes and blankets. Hmmm. Fever of 102. Sick. So I took yesterday off, now I'm struggling whether to take today off. I'm feeling a bit better, except I fall asleep whenever I pick up a book or start watching television. Don't have much interest in the computer of food.
Oh, superego, just let me go back to bed!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Ocean Grove, NJ redux
Group Loses Tax Break Over Gay Union Issue
from todays NY Times
A boardwalk pavilion in the seaside town of Ocean Grove, N.J., that has been at the center of a battle over gay civil union ceremonies has lost its tax-exempt status because the state ruled it no longer met the requirements as a place open to all members of the public.
In a letter to the administrator of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a Methodist organization that owns the pavilion property, the state commissioner of environmental protection, Lisa Jackson, declined to recertify the pavilion as eligible for a real estate tax exemption it has enjoyed since 1989 under the state’s Green Acres Program, but did renew the tax-exempt status of the rest of the boardwalk and the beach, also owned by the association.
The issue arose after the association, which has owned the land, the beach and 1,000 feet of the sea itself since 1870, rejected the requests of two lesbian couples to have their civil union ceremonies at the Boardwalk Pavilion.
The couples complained to the State Division on Civil Rights, which began a discrimination investigation. The association sued the state, claiming that the investigation violated its First Amendment rights because civil unions were contrary to the beliefs of the United Methodist Church.
A federal district court judge refused last month to halt the investigation.
In a letter dated Saturday that revoked the longstanding certification, Ms. Jackson, the environmental protection commissioner, wrote, “It is clear that the pavilion is not open to all persons on an equal basis.”
The administrator of the Camp Meeting Association, Scott Hoffman, said in a written statement that “the Camp Meeting is reviewing the letter. However, it is worth noting that over 99 percent of the Camp Meeting’s land was recertified as tax-exempt.”
Every three years since 1989, the association has applied for, and received, tax exemptions for its boardwalk, beach and the pavilion under the Green Acres Program, designed to encourage the use of privately owned lands for public recreation and conservation. This is the first time any part of its application has been turned down.
Facing a deadline of last Saturday mandated by the Green Acres rules, Ms. Jackson said it was important to make clear where her department stood on the definition of open property.
“When people hear the words ‘open space,’ we want them to think not just of open air and land, but that it is open to all people,” said Ms. Jackson. “And when the public subsidizes it with tax breaks, it goes with the expectation that it is not going to be parsed out, whether it be by activity or any particular beliefs.”
The tax assessor in Neptune Township, where Ocean Grove is located, said he could not estimate how much more tax the association might have to pay because of the changed status of the pavilion. When the lawsuit was filed against the state last month, the assessor, Bernard Haney, estimated that the association was saving about $500,000 a year because of all of its Green Acres exemptions.
In a letter sent to the state last week arguing that the tax-exempt status of the Pavilion, should be retained, Michael Behrens, the association’s lawyer, said that the use of the open-air pavilion had not changed since it was first included in the Green Acres Program 18 years ago.
The pavilion, which is used largely for Sunday church services and youth ministry programs, has also been a place where boardwalk strollers are welcome to sit and relax. “But never was the general public granted unfettered right to use the pavilion in any way it chooses (e.g., to reserve it for an exclusive use such as a civil union ceremony),” Mr. Behrens wrote.
The case has drawn national attention, in part because Ocean Grove has long been considered a community that embraced gay residents. Steven Goldstein, executive director of Garden State Equality, a New Jersey gay rights organization, said he has gotten more e-mail messages on this issue than on any other cause his group has taken up.
“I’m hearing from gay people all over the country who thought Ocean Grove was the leading light for gay tolerance and that’s not the case anymore,” Mr. Goldstein said.
I'm feeling somewhat vindicated by this turn of events as I've gotten the biggest # of hits on this topic. Apparently people have strong feelings on this subject!
Ocean Grove Church,
tax exempt status
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Florida cont. Sundowning
I asked my father-in-law's treatment /extended care home owner for a treatment plan. She looked suprised and said "what do you think is wrong with him?" And that, folks, is what we're dealing with in sunny Florida!
Our days have been spent sitting with dad, eating, trying not to offend Mrs. Dad, and trying to figure our how to improve his lot. It's clear that he is oriented x3, but severly depressed and Mrs. Dad does not want him at home while he had trouble with, well let's say #'s 1 and 2. She may have a dx of OCD.
Everyone (except Mrs. Dad) is flummoxed as to how to handle this and spring the old man from what can best be described as a very depressing Florida home style prison for the elderly.
PS Two home health aide for the six men living there. The first day as we were walking in, we saw them drop one of the men. Ow. Or he could have fallen.
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