(Picture anticipating landing in Vieques Puerto Rico-another wonderful Place!)
Sally wrote "This week I took some time out to stop and walk and take in the view; my son Chris is studying in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, too often we simply drive up there, turn around and come home! This time Tim and I took time out to take in the view. It occurs to me that we need to do that more in life...."
With that in mind I offer you this weeks Friday Five:
1. How important is the "big picture" to you, do you need a glimpse of the possibilities or are you a details person?
Sometimes the "big picture" is more important to me than the details-which gets me in trouble (like at work-urgh.)
2. If the big picture is important to you how do you hold onto it in the nitty gritty details of life?
Practice, practice, practice and checklists and rechecking.
3. Name a book, poem, psalm, piece of music that transports to to another dimension ( one....what am I thinking....)
Any good book I read can transport me to another place, dimension or century. Did I miss my subway stop again?
3.Thinking of physical views, is there somewhere that inspires you, somewhere that you breathe more easily?
Always the beach at Herring Cove in Provincetown, Ma-Cape Cod. Or, of course Italy. Or Vieques, PR.
4. A picture opportunity... post one if you can ( or a link to one!)