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Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Five Beach Trip

In honor of summer, please share your own beachy memories, plans, and dreams with a "Beach Trip" Friday Five.

The Swimming Song by The McGarrigle Sisters

1. Ocean rocks, lake limps? Vice versa? Or "it's all beautiful in its own way"?
I love the Ocean. Sandy Beaches, waves, beautiful sunsets. Lakes?I grew up swimming in Lake Erie, so that's Ok, but small lakes... Muddy bottoms and who knows what's crawling around down there. (anyone heard of the snake head fish that can walk on it's fins from pond to pond?_

2. Year round beach living: Heaven...or the Other Place?
Yes, heaven. I had a year round house at the tip of Long Island, Orient Point, between the 
Bay and the Sound. It was pretty nice. Gone now.

3. Any beach plans for this summer?
Not yet. So far, family plans, taking the niece to Hershey Park, and throwing a 90th birthday party for my aunt-all inland. Maybe we can get a trip to the beach in a long weekend. We do live on a coast. Otherwise it's the pool on 42nd St. (Hey, stop that honking!)

4. Best beach memory ever?
Too many to mention, but it could be the summer we rented in the Hamptons, or one of the many summers we were in Orient Point, NY.

5. Fantasy beach trip?
California, traveling down the coast from San Francisco to Monterrey and hitting the beach!  

Bonus: Share a piece of music/poetry/film/book that expresses something about what the beach means to you.
The Swimming Song by the McGarrigle Sisters

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where's Waldo-uh Joanna

I'm in Albany, NY.
I spent the past weekend at home entertaining my 89, soon to be 90 y/o aunt and my cousin the CSI from Columbus, OH. It was a lot of fun, visiting and sharing memories. Unfortunately we didn't spend much time touring the city due to the high heat, but did manage to see one off broadway play-Add1ng Mach1ne, which was billed as the best new musical of 2008. I guess 2008 is still young.
I'm in Albany for computer training. It's really a chance to catch up with friends that I've worked with who have moved to other offices. New York is a big state. The training is, well some of it is interesting, but some of it is stuff I already know. I'm not sure what I was expecting.
Update on my church search: Because my family was here, I attended St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in NYC. I go to their Lesbian Women's Group and march in the Gay Pride Parade with them. It was a shockingly pleasant experience for me. The priest spoke from the pulpit against the two page advertisement condemning gay marriage. It was in the the NY Times (by Catholic organizations)
Gotta go get my stuff together to train at the state ed. building, a very beautiful (inside) building!