Jan posted this Friday Five "With the end of RevGalBlogPals' third annual Big Event, I am wondering who went and what it was like. There must be a lot of smiling from the Big Event! Hopefully, the rest of us are not frowning either.
So let us know how your past week was for you."
Write five different aspects of the week
OR answer the following questions:
1. When were you smiling lately?
I'm smiling mostly when I get home from the job that has become deadening lately...
2. What happened unexpectedly to you this past week?
Nothing. I had two-or was it three? trainings 9 meetings (including today-and I may be forgetting some) and a desk filled with work that should have been done.
3. How was a catastrophe averted (or not)?
I found the files!
4. What was the most delicious thing you ate?
Not lately. Lots of cafeteria food. I call it the Ptomaine cafeteria.
5. Did you see any good movies or read any books or articles?
Actually I read Jeffrey Deavers latest Katherine Dance book (on the subway back and forth to work) I think the name was Roadside Crosses. Highly recommended. Woman lead and info about grief.and trauma in a mystery.
Sorry for the down FF, but my life is a little overwhelming these days. Work, with the NY budget cut, has become unbearable and the little beach place, such a hassle that I am completely stressed~