The RevHRod posted this The Friday Five: What's in a name?
"If you are a regular reader of Songbird's blog, you know that "The Princess" has requested a new name. Her older brother changed his "secret identity" a while back and now this lovely young lady is searching for a new name on her mother's blog. This got me to thinking. How do we come up with all of these names? There must be at least a few good stories out there.
In honor of the Princess I have posted a picture of one of my favorite members of fictional royalty, Robert Munch's "Paperback Princess." She is a brave young woman who doesn't need anyone else to fight her battles. And she knows that what is most important isn't tiaras and finery but what's on the inside. If you haven't read this little fairy tale, I highly recommend it. But I digress."
1. So how did you come up with your blogging name? And/or the name of your blog?
I'm a member of a twelve step group and 21 (as of August 5th through the grace of God)years ago, I started learning a group of slogans designed to keep me sober. One was progress not perfection. As I started studying counseling, I learned about process and the necessity of it for lots of things in our lives, So I changed that slogan to 'Process, not perfection.' That's my story.
2. Are there any code names or secret identities in your blog? Only one BL which stands for my Beloved, now my...wife! And I am hers. ( I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine.)
3. What are some blog titles that you just love? For their cleverness, drama, or sheer, crazy fun? I like Velveteen Rabbi, Lutheran Chik's L Work Diary-which I also enjoy reading of course!
4. What three blogs are you devoted to? Other than the RevGalBlogPals of course!
Of course I love RevGalBlogPals-and love to say it! But additionally I like: Seeking Authentic Voice, Views from the Road-for the descriptiveness. (more to be added.)
5. Who introduced you to the world of blogging and why?
I discovered it myself by surfing the net and wanted to do it.
Bonus question: Have you ever met any of your blogging friends? Where are some of the places you've met these fun folks? I had a near miss with Barb from Views from the Road who was here in NYC for Easter weekend, but was so booked up, that we never did meet. Maybe her next trip. I've been e-mailing with Mary from Little Mary to book her to speak at my group, so a meeting is in the works!
And, by the way. NY is a popular destination, you RevGals. So, e-mail me!