Singing Owl Posted this melancholy-for me-Friday five:
Let us fear the LORD our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest. Jeremiah 5:23b
The Autumnal Equinox has just come 'round again. I took a look back at our Friday Fives and noted that it always seems to make the Rev Gals and their Pals think of changes.
There is something so nostalgic about this time of year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. The nights grow cooler, crops are harvested, for some of us the leaves are beginning to change colors. The scent of smoke is in the air, pumpkins are in the stores (or on wagons, or in roadside stands for those of us in the country). I'm thinking of putting away my summer clothes and pulling out the sweaters. And I have a tub of Fall-themed items that my husband just lugged up from the basement. I'm looking for my scarecrow.
For this week, let's share some memories along with some hopes and expectations.
1. Share a Fall memory.
Fall is a time of going back to school. I always hated that, but when I went to Graduate School-1991 or so, all of that changed. I really liked what I was studying. I had a computer and that made writing papers so much easier than using a typewriter (in the 60's and 70's) I had a sense of self. This is a bad made good memory of fall
2. Your favorite Fall clothes--(past or present)?
Tweeds forever!
3. Share a campfire story, song, experience...etc.
When I was growing up, we had a big backyard and outdoor fireplaces-2. During the summer we had many cookouts with my uncles famous steaks, but after we kept the fire going and sat around the fire telling stories and talking. This went on into the fall.
4. What is your favorite thing about this time of year?
I like the moderating temperature's and less humidity, I don't like the shorter days.
5. What changes are you anticipating in your life, your church, family...whatever...as the season changes and winter approaches?
Well, we are in the middle of our end of FFY-end of Federal Fiscal Year at work. This means that we prove that we are doing our jobs by showing how many people with disabilities we have placed in employment and they have stayed in employment for 90 days. So, I have been ragging on my unit of counselors to comb through their files to find "rehabs." Rehabilitated consumers that we can show the Feds. We do this twice a year as we get funding from the state and the feds. It's over next Weds cob. Sigh