Singing Owl posted this weeks Friday Five and since we're about to leave for the New Jersey Shore it's perfect-I'm not packed!
1. Well, I'm reluctant to leave home without my computer, although it's awfully heavy, and now that I have my IPHONE! I can check my e-mail and send e-mail -at least theoretically- Apple is still working things out) and surf the web without it!

2. If there's a pool nearby, a suit, bathing-that is.
3. If we're staying in a hotel, something decent that I can slip into in the dark to go to the lobby. BL sleeps much later than I do. I have to have coffee and read.
4. Various meds. I have Cauda Equina Syndrome- a kind of Spinal Cord Injury- a hidden disability, which requires some pain control. Here's the story- When we went to Italy, what do you think I forgot, my Topamax-not a controlled substance. Our Bella guide, listened to my panic and took us to a local Farmacia. It turns out her brother was a doctor and well known in the small town. She was able to talk the pharmacist into give me a supply-very expensive!
5. Books. Must have the books!
6. Of course toiletries, clothes, shoes, all the rest...