Moving and Changing Friday Five

"The theme of change is dominating my thinking at the moment, this morning my husband Tim has headed off for an interview in Sheffield. The West Sheffield Methodist Circuit are looking for an Evangelism/ Mission Enabler, in may ways this would be Tim's ideal job, but we wait on God... ( if you can spare a prayer today we'd be grateful)
...Sheffield is a commutable distance from my new post as Minister in Sherburn-in Elmet and some of the surrounding villages, before Tim gets home I will have left to join the Leadership team there for an away day on Saturday, I'll be staying the night with the current Minister in Sherburn to talk over some of the practicalities of the post.
ALL IS CHANGE.... and although I am looking forward to it, it is not without a sense of trepidation, as change always brings challenges.
Changing location also means packing, so next month will be a month of clearing and sorting, deciding what comes and what gets left behind...
So with change in mind I offer you this Friday five; ( if you've never moved here's a chance to use your imagination)"
1. A big move is looming, name one thing that you could not possibly part with, it must be packed ?
...Sheffield is a commutable distance from my new post as Minister in Sherburn-in Elmet and some of the surrounding villages, before Tim gets home I will have left to join the Leadership team there for an away day on Saturday, I'll be staying the night with the current Minister in Sherburn to talk over some of the practicalities of the post.
ALL IS CHANGE.... and although I am looking forward to it, it is not without a sense of trepidation, as change always brings challenges.
Changing location also means packing, so next month will be a month of clearing and sorting, deciding what comes and what gets left behind...
So with change in mind I offer you this Friday five; ( if you've never moved here's a chance to use your imagination)"
1. A big move is looming, name one thing that you could not possibly part with, it must be packed ?
BL and I are looking for space-the final frontier. After living together for 6+ years together in what was my little home in the sky (500 sq. ft.) we feel the need to supplement that, so with the help of 1) a couples counselors and 2) a financial planner, we are looking for a weekend and sometimes during the week place. It will be commutable and by the beach. It's a process. The one thing I could not part with, my yard sale find, $25. broken down rocker.
2. Name one thing that you would gladly leave behind...
The huge round dining table, oak, classic, taking all bids.
3. How do you prepare for a move
3. How do you prepare for a move
See 1.
a. practically?
a. practically?
See 1.
b. spiritually/ emotionally?
b. spiritually/ emotionally?
See 1. But actually I seem to have dropped into a depression which I am prone to. Don't know if it is the move or what, but I do have supports and I'm still going to work etc.
4. What is the first thing you look for in a new place?
4. What is the first thing you look for in a new place?
Sufficient space.
5. Do you settle in easily, or does it take time for you to find your feet in a new location?
5. Do you settle in easily, or does it take time for you to find your feet in a new location?
If it's right, I'll settle easily. But it's been awhile since I've moved.
The bonus for today; a new opportunity has come up for you to spend 5 years in a new area, where would you go and why?
The bonus for today; a new opportunity has come up for you to spend 5 years in a new area, where would you go and why?
I'd like to try Italy. I've vacationed there and when I came back I read online about American retirees who lived in this little town we visited. It sounded like heaven. On the Amalfi coast.