Sally posted this timely FF:
"Candlemass is past, and Christmas is well and truly over, here in the UK February looks set to be its usual grey and cold self. Signs of spring are yet to emerge; if like me you long for them perhaps you need ways to get through these long dark days. So lets share a few tips for a cold and rainy/ snowy day...."
1. Exercise, what do you do if you can't face getting out into the cold and damp?
What a novel idea? And speaking of novels, I climb back into bed if i don't have to go to work-which is exercise in itself- and read a book!
2. Food; time to comfort eat, or time to prepare your body for the coming spring/summer?
I tried Jenny Craig to prepare for an upcoming vacation but found that their food caused a very difficult stomach problem which had me in the bathroom frequently. So it's back to the Lean Cuisine and of course...chocolate.
3. Brainpower; do you like me need to stave off depression, if so how do you do it?
Therapy and drugs. Yes, I'm should exercise, but...
4. How about a story that lifts your spirits, is there a book or film that you return to to stave off the gloom?
I tuned in to Mama Mia on Sunday night, by accident, and that did the trick!
5. Looking forward, do you have a favourite spring flower/ is there something that says spring is here more than anything else?
I love to see all the spring flowers as they arrives. The pussy willows are showing up. I saw Forsythias at the market the other day. Daffodils. And for the grand finale, Peonys!
We planted daffodils on my family graves this fall, with the leftovers (it was one of those big-bag-o-daffs) planted here and there under some of our backyard trees...I am really looking forward to seeing these come up. Won't happen for another 2 months, though, up here.
Chocolate and Mama Mia, great stuff, who needs exercise anyway????
Great choices for dealing with doldrums. And omg, YES! Peonies! Wish I had a good place to plant them in my yard. Mama Mia does the trick in this house, too.
peonies are my new favorite May flowers here too--I love watching the flowers being peeled back each petal at a time by the industrious ants. they must think they're beautiful too.
I am with you on the therapy and drugs--very practical--not many people i know take that for whatever rationalizing type reason.
A woman after my own heart -- although I confess I'm a little chocolated-out after Christmas.
I love daffodils and don't get to see them here. Living in the NE and in WA State so much of my life had me loving the appearance of daffodils in the spring. I still remember the daffodils blooming when my dad was buried in the cemetary in Wa State in Feb. 2002.
I haven't seen Mamma Mia, but definitely Abba will perk me up!
And peonys...gorgeous!
lean cuisine is yummy... heavy on the garlic, but yummy. i sometimes use specialK protein meal bars... the double chocolate rocks!!!
Yup, Mama Mia does the trick. I have it in the car so I can boogie on the way to work and am all jazzed up when I get to the church.
Oh yeah, Mamma Mia -- good stuff!
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