Sophia gives us this Friday Five: "Last week Sally gave us a beautiful, spiritually reflective Friday Five, so it's time for something light and fluffy (literally). It's inspired by the fact that as I write this my dear spouse TechnoGuy, with the assistance of daughter Ladybug, is making a batch of chocolate chip pancakes with two Christmas presents. One is the Knott's Berry Farm mix which came along with jam, boysenberry syrup, and biscuit mix from my aunt (we ended up with two sets, since my parents passed theirs on to avoid sweet and carb-y temptation). The other is the large size Black and Decker electric skillet he was thrilled that I got him online -- our trusty wedding present normal size one still works at going on 20 years, but the Teflon is getting worn, and he wanted more cooking space. So pull up a chair to the kitchen table and tell us all about your pancake preferences."
Point of information. In NYC, a lot, ok most of the diners are run by Greek people, like a lot of green markets are run by Korean people. FYI. The food is regular food, not particularly Greek, although there may be some Spanikopita, or Moussakas on the menu...there is always spaghetti, too! It's just the way the city developed. Like the shoe stores are run by Albanians like Kevin Cole...just kidding!
1. Scratch or mix? Buttermilk or plain?
I usually only let myself have pancakes at Good Stuff, the Greek Diner the the Catholic Lesbians go to after mass, and only during fresh blueberry season. So many calories ( yes I said it!) But I love them, those blueberryed brown and buttery salty sweet with real maple syrup yumminess drippy Pancakes!
2. Pure and simple, or with additions cooked in?
Yup, blueberries.
3. For breakfast or for dinner?
Breakfast or brunch.
4. Preferred syrup or other topping? How about the best side dish?
Maple and Bacon-throw on some more calories and some cholesterol, too.
5. Favorite pancake restaurant?
Could be Good Stuff on 14th St. or it could be Chelsea Square or any of a number of Greek Diners in the City that never sleeps!
sounds good, I love blueberries
yum! i'm ready for some blueberry pancakes now. so are they different at a greek diner? or are those just your favorite places to go?
Blueberries are yummy -- and good for your eyes too. :)
Next time I am in NYC maybe we can meet at Good Stuff!
Unbeknownst to many, Greek diners are everywhere -- except here in Uppity College Town it used to be a Greek hot dog stand in summer. Come to Maine in August and have blueberry pancakes!
A diner with real maple syrup--I am so jealous. The only one I've been to is Ida Red's in Saugatuck Michigan (on our honeymoon almost twenty years ago).
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