I work for a large government agency which will go unnamed, ok, it's NY State. I'm a Senior Counselor which means middle management and dealing with my staffs problem clients and dealing with my problem staff (actually I have a wonderful staff, and and...)Yesterday at the end of the day, and my day starts at 7:30, the 4 seniors were called into the Directors office about some computer work that had to be done post haste-by seniors because we're the only ones that have permission to do this particular function. Well I was the first to try the first of about 25-my share. Error message, So, I called Steve, another senior, same problem. Error. We went to the Director. He told me to call the help desk. After some futzing, and calling in the head futzer and computer geek, she said she wrote some bad code. So we all gathered in the Directors office and had a '5 minute meeting-35- to discuss how we would all do the work wrong today, then send it to the state capitol where they would change it before 4:00 today.
All for a little bad code. Achoo.
a 35 minute discussion on how to do the work wrong today.
;-) like a backwards day, huh? you know, breakfast for dinner, pajamas to work, etc.
hope things are better today!
here's a kleenix for that bad cold, ah, code...hope all is better tomorrow.
I love the part about "we would all do the work wrong today..." That cracks me up! :)
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