I've never really been a bug person. Once when I was a kid, after playing outside a bug flew in my ear and after an hour or so of hearing it bang around in there and "you're imangining things" type conversation, my mother placed a flashlight against my ear and the bug found it's way out. Recently, while doing supervision with one of the counselors in my unit, she started talking about bedbugs. Apparently she has a family member who is an exterminator. Well...
This courtesy of MSNBS :
"Bed bugs had been shown the “no vacancy” sign in the U.S. for nearly 50 years— they've been virtually eradicated. But now that’s all changed. They’re back. And they’re in expensive hotels and biting the best of people.
It’s a national problem, agrees entomologist Dini Miller, Ph.D. The Orkin Pest Control company says that after 50 years more or less without them, it’s now treated bed bugs in all but three states. And according to the National Pest Management Association, bed bug complaints have increased 50-fold over the last five years. They’ve popped up in apartments, mansions or dormitories in nearly every corner of the country.
Just a few weeks ago, bed bugs nibbled on the traveling cast of a Broadway musical at a Ramada Plaza in San Francisco. Last summer, a young family vacationing at a five-star Westin resort in Hollywood, Florida had the same complaint."
My beloved and I arrived at the Providence, RI Marriot last night, a very reputable chain, on our way to Cape Cod. We were tired after traveling, and shopping, all day. The room was nice and big. The bed was huge.The sheets pristine. I circled warily, afraid to settle.I put my bag on a hard surface. Finaly I took a shower. The beloved was flopped on the bed happily. Well why not. Lovely night, no bites!
Yes, every so often I hear about bedbugs. So far, I've been lucky while traveling. It's a scarey thought to have them end up in our own beds at home. Did you hear one of your parents say to you at bedtime: "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." Yuck--as a child, I thought that was a fairy tale!
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