1. First, and before we start busting stress, what causes you the most stress, is it big things or the small stuff ?
a) Work, like now when we're at the end of our fiscal year-and I'm a counselor? Home. stuff with my beloveds work and health.
2. Exercise or chocolate for stress busting ( or maybe something else) ?
b) CHOCOLATE! But I do swim at a health club at a secluded spot on 42nd St.
3.What is your favourite music to chill out to?
c) No music, but I do like to watch Judge Judy who says all the things I would like to say, but don't/
4. Where do you go to chill?
d) I go to bed or to an AA meeting.
5. Extrovert or introvert, do you relax at a party, or do you prefer a solitary walk?
e) Definitely an introvert so I go into my shell and slam the door closed for awhile till I chill. (see snail)
Great questions this week!
I felt relaxed just looking at that picture of the snail. Good visual--just slow down from time to time, right?
Good idea, and close, but it refers to my introversion and going into my shell and slamming the door shut. I liked the pic, too. I'm in beautiful Provinctown, but no cable to download my pictures, so next week you'll see some of those when I'm back to work.
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