Kathrynzj posted this Friday Five: "We lead privileged lives.
True, some are more privileged than others but the fact that we are communicating right now via technological devices puts us in the privileged category.
There are many perks in my life for which I give thanks and then there are some that make everything right in the world during the moment I am enjoying them. I'm wondering what a few of those things - five to be specific - are for you.
To help you along here are just three of mine that I will write more about on my blog: drinking coffee out of a real mug, walking into my home after the domestic goddess has been there, participating in the RevGalBlogPals Big Events."
1. I have Beloved who is there when I need her, and when I don't.
2. I finally have more than 500 sq. ft to share with Beloved, now 1200+500. Unfortunately in two different places. Fortunately one has NYC and one has an Ocean Beach!
3. On the good days and the bad days, I have a job.
4. I have some toys that I love, one that I'm I'm typing on now. Her name is Mac. Also books, but no ipad.
5. I have a godchild who is not a child but is a joy and a blessing. She told me all about Turkey before I went there but did not tell me about Chicken Pudding-really a dessert made with a chicken breast! (google that you revgals!)
What a fun list! I am finding it interesting how simple the things are that bring joy to our lives: beloveds, home, job...
Thank you for playing!
I like your list...though I live in a totally different world--four acres and 2000+ square feet.(I often wish that were smaller and on the side of a mountain.)
I wonder sometimes if I wouldn't like the diversity in a city, though I would be missing my space.
So glad especially for your space...this Texan was discomfited by the idea of sharing 500 sf with anyone including just myself. :)
Your bliss sounds a blessing. I have a joy-giving goddaughter, too, and you made me think of her. Thank you for that, among other things! Hope you are feeling better.
awesome about the NYC/beach situation, less awesome about the two different places thing...
great list!
So awesome that you have both those places! the best of both worlds, I think.
Amen to #3
glad you got a job
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