Jan posted this FF:
Friends are giving my daughter-in-law AA a baby shower, which happily brought her and DC down for a visit to Corpus Christi. looking forward to having my first grandchild in two months and all these preparations, like baby showers, are getting me excited! So I hope you'll participate in telling about your likes and dislikes about baby showers for you and for others.
1. What were baby showers like for you and your friends in the past?
1. What were baby showers like for you and your friends in the past?
I'm from the generation of lesbians that didn't have babies so much. Now our younger friends and some of our generation are having them by AI and adoption. So, not so much in the past. And all of my family lived far away.
2. Did you play games? What kinds?
2. Did you play games? What kinds?
I recently had two baby showers in the office. Both genders invited, Gifts, food, no games.
3. In your job, especially if you are a pastor, do you get invited to a lot of baby showers? What do you do about them?
3. In your job, especially if you are a pastor, do you get invited to a lot of baby showers? What do you do about them?
Not a pastor, a counselor. We're not allowed to attended personal events. It's against our code of ethics.
4. Are baby showers different for our daughters (or younger friends) than they were for us?
4. Are baby showers different for our daughters (or younger friends) than they were for us?
Based on the two I helped organize-I was the minor organizer-get money! The lack of games seemed to be a major difference.
5. Do you like hosting baby showers or do you avoid that responsibility?
5. Do you like hosting baby showers or do you avoid that responsibility?
I would avoid the responsibility at all costs.
If I did have a baby shower I would get the cake above. Or maybe I'll get it for my next birthday!
With you on the professional ethics - although I think it does get a bit difficult for pastors. the one-and-only baby shower I attended was actually for one of our congregational ministers. And I LOVE the cake - hope you do get it for your bd
PC, this was an odd FF--sorry about that, but I get low on ideas! I think that baby showers are more prevalent and ostentatious here in S. TX than many places. The cake looks delicious!
YES! Get that cake for your next birthday, it looks like a fun cake.
(Oh, and I laughed out loud when I read your link at RevGals....I often feel that same way about showers....)
That cake looks 'ducky'! Hahaha, I quack myself up! :)
I'm not much of a baby shower person myself. Despise "games" - ugh. I totally understand this five. Great play PC.
OMG baby shower games, yeah.... nuh-uh. Not for me. But the cake does look nummy. I have to admit a fondness for bath ducks... but I like mine to be a little more odd and edgy. lol! I think it's the frosting that calls my name... A nice, honest play! Thank you!
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