Sally posted this thoughtful Friday Five which for you Facebook readers is posted at my blog
Persistence often pays off, but we need to be aware that it sometimes turns into sheer pig headed-ness...
With all that in mind I offer you this Friday Five:
1. Is patience a virtue you possess? If it is then does it come naturally, if not how do you/ did you work at it?
It has to be a quality I possess because my job requires it, but so does my current big project (the destruction was supposed to start Tuesday, but the contractor didn't secure the permit, so still waiting.) No quick fixed anywhere...
2. Being patient with ourselves can be a huge challenge, we are often our own worst critics; is there anything you need to be patient with yourself with at the moment?
See # 1. Also I tend toward depression which is an illness which is not cured but comes again and again. This requires fortitude and patience. Also self care.
3. Are you the kind of person who can/ will persist with a difficult task? How much of this is personality related?
Yes and no. Depends on my mood at the moment.
4. Can you spot when persistence turns into pig-headed-ness, or do you never get there?
After a while
5. Post a song or a poem that chills you out and helps you to re-group, re-focus and carry on?
Since the big project I've been playing show tunes in the car, old shows...Carousel, South Pacific etc. They all chill me out and leave me singing and swirl around in my head taking me back to happier times. I'll post one later when I have time-Think "It was a real good clambake."
I forget that those songs are so often smile producing.
I often struggle with depression too--at least through my mid-life crisis...and it has been quite persistent. Have to remember to be kind to self sometimes.
Ah, the Clambake tune has a special association for me, so thank you for that treat.
I deal with depression too. I can be patient with it, but also hate how it devours time that I would love to be spending doing something I enjoy.
Good luck on the contractor event. Patience is indeed a virtue through that!
Deconstruction and construction is always a lesson in patience...sigh...it will be worth it in the end, or so they say :-)
yay for the songs!
love the thought of those songs, just spinning and turning.
you mentioned the Deep Breath print at my blog; here's where you can buy one: http://www.listenforjoy.com/art/deepbreath.html
ALSO, your tales of the Big Project remind me so much of the book I just reviewed: Building a Home with my Husband. I'd be intersted in your thoughts.
Seems we have several things in common, including liking show tunes! :-)
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