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Saturday, October 3, 2009

The PROJECT Hook'd on a feeler

If you have been following this story, as I have (been living it-that is) the last post was where we were asked for and then put in our 'best and final offer', then were countered with a counter offer. It has been five weeks since that time. We have seen at least 6-7 other places, one, owned by ambiguous Pat, that we really liked and made an offer on , but Pat would not come down in price and he/she had put a lot of money into the beautiful place and had to get his/her money back. Sigh.

This is like another job as Long Beach is a is about a 50 minute drive for us-which may not seem like a lot to you regular folk, but to us public transportation riders, well it's a lot. Then in and out and taking pictures and talking to people and etc. And no weekends, it seems like. Let me rant for awhile.

So we asked our realtor to put out a feeler if we went up a bit would they accept and not keep us hanging for another month or two into the deep winter. All over this beach town, prices are dropping as the fall develops, but these sellers seem not to notice.

1 comment:

Terri said...

What a nightmare. Having purchased real estate in the past, and knowing how hard it is to give up one that you have fallen in love with and can see yourself living in...all I can suggest is, if this place does not come through (and don't compromise too much) - then another place will. Often, an even better option. But patience is a true virtue in this arena....and I send up prayers for you....