Until all marriages are legal. I became verklempt when I read this. My old fusty home state, the one that I fled to be gay, was taking up the good fight. At least 6 churches, one of them about a half hour drive from where I grew up. I'm so proud, sniff sniff. Read about it here Excellent Ohio Churches
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That's my denomination! Yay!
Good for them! I like the Episcopal presiding bishop overall but she had a lot of nerve a couple years ago talking about "living the cross", i.e. delaying full marriage and ordination rites/rights for LGBT folks because of objections from some Anglican groups in the developing world. If they had said "no more marriages at all till LGBT ones are accepted" or "no more new bishops at all ditto" it would have been everyone living the cross and having some moral credibility--this just supports the oppression. (A few dioceses including mine are fully open and affirming but policy hasn't changed overall. Maybe this summer at the triennial convention).
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