Can you believe that in two days we'll be halfway through Advent? Gaudete Sunday: pink candle on the advent wreath, rose vestments for those who have them, concerts and pageants in many congregations. Time to rejoice!
Rejoice in the nearness of Christ's coming, yes, but also in the many gifts of the pregnant waiting time when the world (in the northern hemisphere, at least) spins ever deeper into sweet, fertile darkness.
What makes you rejoice about:
1. Waiting? I haden't remebmered Gaudete Sunday for years. All that pink. I'm not one for delayed gratification, although I do seem to build it into my life. Hmmm. Wonder what's that about?
2. Darkness? Ok for when it's time to go to bed which for this week would be about...4:28?
3. Winter? Really, I don't like short days. And I don't like going out after dark in NYC so much in the winter as I do in the summer. Darkness, snow (I walk with a cane and fall). fear of who's behind me. (and I'm a hardened New Yorker.) No, not so much my favorite time
4. Advent? I'm usually too busy with Chanukah, but now that I've joined the Catholic Lesbians Perhaps I'll pay more attention.
5. Jesus' coming? "Hide your hearts girls!" (remember I'm still on painkillers.) and still an agnostic.
I loved your post. Almost completely the ying to my yang, which I found intriguing. I'll be back to read more. Peace!
Thanks for the unique play :-) and so glad you are home safely.
What is "Gaudete Sunday," never heard that before.(Before today)
I love the picture.
Oooh, glad you are home from hospital!
Hope you are healing!
Oh geeze...I do remember the "still on pain-killers" daze...and the time when I was ready for bed at, oh, say 7pm. then wide awake at 2am...then back asleep at 5am...sigh...good play!
Loved your play especially going to bed at 4:28. Glad they sprung you, recovery is so much better at home.
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