(Picture of Children in Washington Square Park, The Village, NYC)
Friday Five: Seasons Change... NO, NO, NO!
It's Labor Day weekend here in the United States, also known as Summer's Last Hurrah. So let's say goodbye to summer and hello to the autumn. (arghhhh!)
1. Share a highlight from this summer. (If you please, don't just say "our vacation to the Canadian Rockies." Give us a little detail or image. Help us live vicariously through you!):
Spending time with my little godchild-the grown women who just moved to New York, either going to my beach on 42nd St, or exploring Chinatown and having dim sum or enjoying the Shake Shack http://www.shakeshacknyc.com/ on 23rd having Cheeseburgers and frozen custard made with Valrohna Chocolate, yumm.
2. Are you glad to see this summer end? Why or why not?:
OK, so I’m not in school anymore and summer in my calendar doesn’t end till September 22, dammit and I refuse to believe otherwise!
3. Name one or two things you're looking forward to this fall.:
Wearing tweed? Being depressed by shorter days. Worrying about not having my Holiday-Hanukah-MB's birthday, Christmas. shopping done. Haloween candy is already in the stores!
4. Do you have any special preparations or activities to mark the transition from one season to another? (Cleaning of house, putting away summer clothes, one last trip to the beach):
Celebrating the Jewish Holidays.
5. I'll know that fall is really here:
When the days get shorter and I leave home in the dark and get home in the dark…so depressing. Can you tell I’m not looking forward to it. Well I am looking forward to new episodes of House and Grays Anatomy.
Can you tell I'm not looking forward to fall as a harbinger of the long winter ahead?
I love fall - I detest winter, if only we could skip a season!
Amen to the sentiment, girl! I'm with you on the winter blah's! I could hardly believe it when I looked out the window and realized it was pitch black by 9pm! (I'm on the very western edge of EDT.) Why in the world do you have to "fall back," anyway? THAT'S when it really starts to get painful for me.
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