We're going to Ocean Grove, NJ for the weekend.
we'll be staying at Ashley House 14 Surf Ave. • Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 • 732 – 502 – 0081 • www.ashleyhousenj.com
See, http://www.oceangrovehistory.org/
Ocean Grove has a storied history which you can see from this link, not always ecumenical or free of racism, anti Catholicism or antisemitism. I think the town is still dry which is fine with me. In recent years "the gays" had made inroads, so as you walk the lovely streets looking at Victorian homes or the original camp tents-which are really little bungalows-you can see an occasional rainbow flag, and same sex couples walking hand in hand.
I need this break. I've been at my new job for 6 months as of yesterday and new jobs are as stressful as a heart attack (according to statistics.) and some days I've felt like I was having one. It's also a little lonley. I'm feeling like I'm getting into the swing of things now, but office politics are rearing their ugly heads and the current general morale of the office is low. The issue is a memo, meant for supervisors that was inadvertently released to the whole office. E-mail...so convenient, yet so dangerous! I appreciate my unit of 9 people and I try to reassure them and lead them with love and strength. I'm also in the awkward position of being a manager who has been enforcing the contents of the memo, yet represented by the same union that will be greiving this memo and it's fallout. Aargh!
Perhaps I'll get a job in Ocean Grove at the deli as a cheese slicer. Or pool boy. Or ice cream scooper-no, that could be dangerous.
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